
Semolina cake

Anything with semolina says “childhood” and “kids” to me… BUT! After sniffing on the google for a few hours, I had to realize that this deliciously easy and uniquely impressive cake is extremely popular in many countries in the world, especially Italy, UK, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and some Arabic countries. This recipe of mine is the combination of the original Italian variant and my mom's secret recipe.

Ingredients for the dough:
  • 50 g unsalted butter
  • 75 g flour
  • 12,5 ml water
  • sugar
  • pinch salt
Ingredients for the semolina pudding:
  • semolina
  • 300ml milk
  • 2 tsp. sugar
  • 1 package of vanilla sugar

Mix all the ingredients of the dough and knead it until you get a homogeneous dough. Form a ball of it then put it in the refrigerator for an hour (covered in cling film).
After one hour take your pastry board. Sprinkle it with flour and roll out the cookie dough with a rolling pin. Cut out the form and size of your cake tin (a round springform pan is just perfect). This layer of dough is going to be the bottom of our cake so you have to line the bottom of the tin with it. 
In the meanwhile: mix all the ingredients for the semolina pudding in a sauce pan. Cook it on medium heat until it gets thicker.
When cooled off, pour on the dough and spread and disperse in the pan. Use the rest of the dough for decorating your cake (before it goes into the oven) - e.g. flowers and leaves.
Preheat the oven to 180 Celsius degrees (350 F) and bake for 25 minutes.
Serve cold or warm with icing sugar, fruit syrup or chocolate sauce.

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